Stoney Podcast – Episode 11

Host Terry Rider welcomes Elder Clarice Kootenay to share a legend from the days when some people were able to shapeshift. In this episode, Clarice recounts the story of an Elder venturing towards one of the Blackfoot communities. The Elder was surrounded, but avoided being caught by shapeshifting. Despite the efforts of the Blackfoot medicine man, they weren’t able to find him.

This podcast was hosted by Terry Rider. Music was composed, performed and produced by Anders Hunter.


mnihejabielderînânânmy aunt (mother’s sister)
odagiyaa lot, manymîtûgasinmy grandfather
baha chaktaat the hillsna ktaon the flats; prairie
echagiyatowardsthîde thabanmule deer
wahîyâba hînâpe nechagiyaeastsuwatâgahorse
waptanâcreek; streamtahuneck
îchitokâdifferenthnuzazawashed his/her own 

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