Virgle Stephens joins host Terry Rider in this podcast to talk about the legacy of his great-grandfather, Ta Otha. In this episode, Virgle recounts the story of Ta Otha’s first encounters with Europeans. This story expresses the importance of listening to the Elders and provides a glimpse into the life of a Stoney Nakoda chief.
This podcast was hosted by Terry Rider. Music was composed, performed and produced by Anders Hunter.
dââginach | s/he is happy | hecheyaka | but then; nevertheless |
garach | s/he is making something | mâkoche | land; earth |
chîgach | s/he wants something | thnoyach | s/he understands something |
wûthpewîchakiye | teacher | goktan | great-grandparent or great-grandchild |
narhûch | s/he hears something or someone | hûga | chief |