In this episode, host Terry Rider welcomes Phillomene Stevens for a story about the importance of listening to your parents and Elders. Phillomene reflects on the stories and lessons her parents and community shared with her growing up. She also emphasizes the importance of listening to these stories in Stoney Nakoda language and how important it is that the younger generation continue to learn the language.
narhûch | s/he hears something or someone | Îethka îach | s/he speaks Stoney |
mîtûwin | my aunt (father’s sister) | mîniksin | my uncle (mother’s brother) |
mîtûgasin | mygrandfather | îkusin | grandmother |
nâgahâs | nowadays | gichiyach | s/he is accompanying someone |
rhtîjagach | it’s important | gikthiyach | s/he remembers something |
awîjihi yach | s/he is developing into an adult | edâhâwîjihibi | parents |
wîjakabi | truth | Wakâ | Creator |
ûthpech | to learn something | watejage | youth |