Stoney Podcast – Episode 8

This episode of the podcast is dedicated to the Stoney Nakoda legend regarding the origin of the Big Dipper.  Tracey Stevens narrates this traditional story that tells how children played an important role in creating the constellation known as Sagowîbin in the Stoney language.  Listen along with host Terry Rider to learn about the ancient Stoney wisdom surrounding these seven stars.

This podcast was hosted by Terry Rider. Music was composed, performed and produced by Anders Hunter.


SagowîbinBig Dipperchîjabihis/her children; offspring
gikthiyachs/he remembers somethingkoskayoung man
hûgachiefîchihâchs/he stands up for herself/himself;
s/he is self-sufficient
eyachs/he is saying somethingwatâgagrizzly bear

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