In this episode, host Terry Rider welcomes Tracey Stevens for a story that teaches about the importance of not judging others and respecting those around you. Tracey talks about the importance of being aware of your surroundings and actions and how your decisions shape how you grow up.
garhnîyach | s/he is choosing or judging something | îkusin | grandmother |
înarhmâch | s/he is hiding something | oyagach | s/he is telling someone |
heya | louse | nâptarejan | fisher (an animal similar to a weasel) |
thûpte | muskrat | wîjihiyach | s/he is raising a child |
pithen | prairie dog | arâgach | s/he is riding something |
sûkthaba | black horse | sage | nail; claw |
hîhâ | owl | marhpiya | sky; heaven |
nâbipta | gloves | rheyam | nature; wilderness |
gasnâch | s/he made a mistake | thiktan | bird |
wosmâ | bush | ithkach | it fits |
wokchâhâch | s/he is thinking | mâstîyâ | rabbit |
chaba | beaver | bithach | s/he/it is screaming or squealing |
rhoga | badger | nîyahâch | s/he is bringing something to life |
zotha | marmot | chûûhma | wagon; stroller |