Stoney Podcast – Episode 15

Tracey Stevens joins host Terry Rider once again to talk about her great uncle, Noah Goat, who gave her the Stoney name Sûkthi Rhnerhneya. This is an emotional story about how he was found as an infant during a Sundance, and then raised by Stoney people. This story reminds young women to look after themselves, and for all young people to take responsibility for their bodies and their children.

This podcast was hosted by Terry Rider. Music was composed, performed and produced by Anders Hunter.


dohâ opiwagine chachI really appreciate itchâraziya wosmâwillow bush
mîtûgasinâ chamy late grandfatherdaguskânchild
SahiyabiCree Peoplehovoice
ThihathabebiBlackfoot Peopledaguskan nâhârh tûbinâ chaa newborn child
(Yuzabi) TogabiKainai Peopledaacha nawarhûwhat I heard
YasijabiSaulteaux Peoplethibude mâkânground level, at the base of a tree or bush
ChaadabinAlexis & Paul Stoniesîpabin tâga chaa big rock
Tijarabichûbi ktaat a Sundanceskâîhnahâchshe was startled (it was reported to me)
âba nûm kuwabi ûstachit took them two days to get there (they said)wîyâbi neall women
wagikthiyesîchI can’t rememberhoksiyuhachshe was pregnant
dââ wahogichûbipreparing for travelaktuhis/her father
îkusinâ kemy late grandmother (that we all knew)yuhachs/he had it
odââginafeeling happy or gratefulhechen omâgihnaabichachthat’s how I was told

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